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Crystal Clear Creations
Crystal Clear Creations

Horse Paintings


In this painting the Lord showed me a picture of the Mount of Olives and they supernaturally appeared in the background of the painting. I could also see Jesus’ nail pierced hands in the painting, on the right hand side and the scripture that comes to mind is from Isaiah 53:5. Red in the painting is symbolic of the blood He shed for us and the redemptive power of His blood. Red also appeared in his eyes – the fire in his eyes is His love for His bride. A highway is being prepared. Prepare ye the way. “The way is up”, He is saying. Moving up the mountain requires dedication. The mountain symbolizes the Promised Land – God’s promises. The land of Israel, the Promised Land, His holy land. Scriptural references are Nahum 1:15, Zechariah 14:4 and Acts 1:11.The very location where Jesus was betrayed and rejected is where he will return as our triumphant King. Hallelujah to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. JESUS, I am eagerly awaiting your return.


Ride the wave, the sunshine is coming. The rainbow first emerged in this painting, followed by the White horses painted transparently over the rainbow background. Afterwards I started to see waves forming in the background, they started flowing in and all I had to do was outline them. The night before they started appearing the Holy Spirit spoke and told me “A Rainbow Glory Wave is Coming”. So excited at the pictures and words he is revealing.


The white horse symbolizes purity, righteousness and power in the word of God. When Christ returns to conquer the earth, he and his army will be clothed in white line riding upon white horses. Christ is seen in Revelation 19 as coming on a white horse. Christ is called “the Word of God”. Out of his mouth goes a sharp two edged sword. It comes from his mouth, “the Living Word”. The sword is the voice of the Father. When I had finished this painting I saw what looked like a sword in the mouth of the white horse but Holy Spirit said that it was a winnowing fan. A winnowing fan is a tool used to remove the unwanted coverings of seeds from grain. The purifying and cleansing power of the Holy Spirit. He is separating the wheat from the chaff with His winnowing fan. He will purge the threshing floor destroying all that is evil, cleansing and burning up all the chaff, separating our flesh from our spirit so that we can produce true fruit of righteousness, the revelation of Christ in us. He is sifting us for a good harvest. We are to remain on the path of life, live in the Word of God and use it as a weapon. Hold high the Word of God in triumph and eagerly anticipate His return.


Revelation 19:11 “Now I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True and in righteousness He judges and makes war”. Revelation 19 speaks of the bridegroom and His relationship with His bride and the wedding supper of the Lamb. Jesus the bridegroom, is coming, followed by His bride, the army of God, manifesting in the fullness of God, with full authority, knowledge and speaking in righteousness. It will be a heavenly procession entering in triumph led by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God is the just judge. He is always faithful to His promise and what He speaks is true. Jesus is a true emblem of justice and holiness.


Jesus, seal my heart with your love Leaning into your everlasting arms Nothing will separate me from you Lord Safe and secure from all harm Resting on your breast That intimate embrace Labouring together To run the perfect race A pure heart of surrender and submission Knowing that mature love Coming to fruition Jesus, pressing in close to you Awakened to your light Coming up to meet the Beloved Predestined in your sight Living in that perfect peace Bringing joy to my heart Set me as a signet Lord In holy matrimony we’ll never part


These horses appeared in quick succession as I was painting. They make me think of the scripture in the book of Revelation Chapter 6 that speaks of the four horses. The word “Apocalypse” means revelation and in the Greek means the unveiling. The rolled up scroll sealed, Jesus has begun to undo the seals.


There’s a horse to ride and he has a spring in his step. He’s strong yet graceful. Mount up, get, ready. Ride in the Spirit. A heavenly cavalry is coming and the Lord of Hosts is leading the way. Victory belongs to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

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Crystal Clear Creations

Crystal Clear Creations